Art direction work for Visit Saudi,
directed by @abardoujacquet
starring Charlie Melchiori.
Huge thanks to this amazing team
@beaucarne_christophe_ and the Whole team at Partizan Rodeo FX Khalid Tahhar Isabelle Labeylie, Guillaume Roussel for this great music score
and all the BETC HAVAS talents involved @betcparis @grebbal @gespinet @baptistelerousseau @caroline_grimprel @reemkuz @landry.stark.illustrations @yaselboury @karimnaceur @lngui66 @sidneyguillen_ @elisebouquet @kendyty @frederiquevanespen @carolinebufalini_hair Alexander Choat Landry STARK Pascal André David Lesage Guillaume Espinet Baptiste Lerousseau Capucine Delort Vittorio Lucchini Gilera Yasmine El Boury Simon Leroy Maria Assunta Di Balsamo Mattia Bellomo Kylian Duguey Hélène Guillaume Karim Naceur Jennifer Braux.